
Astral bulge Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones

Did you know there exist a simple expertise that can help you to experience astral projection easily? It is called brainwave entrainment and it is a way to change brainwaves so as to induce altered states of consciousness.

There are different types of brainwave entrainment but the two most interesting ones are binaural beats and isochronic tones. They both consist of sound recordings you listen to that, over a relatively short period of time, can induce altered states such as an out of body experience.

About Brainwave Entrainment

The technology in binaural beats and isochronic tones is different but the principle is the same: to safely and gently affect the frequencies of the brain through sound waves so that it begins to create theta waves (in the case of an OOBE-oriented recording). Theta brainwaves are slower and deeper than the usual delta waves that occur in the brain during the day's activities. If you would be lucid dreaming or having a spontaneous out of body experience, your brain would be in theta mode.

The idea then is to have the brain generate these theta waves as you lay down to relax and prepare to tempt a conscious out of body experience. Because the brain gets automatically tuned into the right frequencies for cosmological projection through brainwave entrainment recordings, it becomes much easier to initiate the temporary separation of consciousness and physical body.

Using Astral Projection Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones

The process, in a nutshell, goes like this: As you lay down and relax with the brainwave entrainment recording, your brain will gradually slow down and commence to generate theta brainwaves. This will alter your focus - even though it's hard to put words on what is happening in the mind, you will feel a definite shift of focus.

At some point during this method, your physical body will feel heavier and it may become very difficult for you to move it - don't panic. It is normal and happens every night while you sleep. It just means your body thinks it's asleep. From there you should begin to feel your energetic or astral body more so than your physical one and move it around using your will and desire. You must only be careful not do this too soon or you may move your physical body instead.

A Wondrous Adventure Begins!

Adventuring in the astral dimension is wondrous and often more interesting that what can occur in daily life! If you've been intimidated by the idea before, now is the time to give it a try with the in safe hands and thoroughly tested technology of binaural beats and isochronic tones